From Paper-Thin to Purposeful: Why Alliance Programs Need a Structured Approach

In our previous blog, we explored the transformative capabilities of the IPE&R process in driving success in technology alliances. However, not all alliance programs adhere to such structured methodologies. In fact, most don’t and that leads to what can be aptly described as "Barney Alliances."

These alliances, named after the beloved purple dinosaur, are characterized by their superficial nature—they lack substance, tangible outcomes, and strategic alignment. Instead, they serve as little more than public declarations of mutual admiration, with little to show in terms of value creation or tangible results. The announcement might as well read as follows:

“We’ve gotten together with XYZ Tech to form an alliance. We’ve not yet produced anything of value, but, trust us, we intend to do so…eventually. (clearing of throat) In the meantime, buy a lot more from us than you may have otherwise done, simply because we’ve declared this ‘looks-good-on-paper' partnership!” (insert eye-roll…HERE)

These types of wafer-thin alliances are a shame on multiple fronts. Customers deserve and expect more. They DO need…and, thus, seek out…the value alliances produce, particularly in this increasingly multi-vendor world within which we conduct business. And, of course, they create skepticism in the market, even for Alliance programs that produce true value.

Let’s delve into the pitfalls of Barney Alliances and why a structured approach like IPE&R is essential for fostering purposeful and impactful partnerships.

The Pitfalls of Barney Alliances

  • Lack of Strategic Alignment: Barney Alliances often arise without a clear strategic rationale or alignment with organizational objectives. Instead, they are driven by surface-level considerations such as mutual admiration or the desire to capitalize on market trends without a concrete plan for value creation.

  • Absence of Execution: In Barney Alliances, the emphasis is placed on announcing the partnership rather than executing on meaningful collaboration and value delivery. Despite the grandiose announcements, little progress is made in terms of joint initiatives, product integrations, or customer outcomes.

  • Minimal Value Proposition: Without a structured approach to alliance development and execution, Barney Alliances fail to articulate a compelling value proposition for customers. They rely on empty promises rather than tangible benefits, leaving customers skeptical and unconvinced.

Have you ever seen an Alliances page on a company’s website that scrolls on forever with scores of logos that don’t seem to indicate anything of consequence other than the logo and, perhaps, a sentence or two? The behavior above is the catalyst for such a thing.

What should you look for below the surface to pressure test such content? In a nutshell, intent and effort that clearly indicates the two parties have an aligned interest that produces an outcome. And, specifically, an outcome that drives the benefit you’re seeking.

Let’s revisit key points from our previous blog.

Transitioning to Purposeful Alliances - A quick reminder about IPE&R

  • Initiative (I): Moving Beyond Declarations: The Initiative stage of the IPE&R process challenges organizations to move beyond mere declarations of partnership and focus on identifying concrete opportunities for collaboration. By aligning alliance initiatives with strategic objectives and customer needs, organizations can lay the groundwork for meaningful partnerships.

  • Proposal (P): Developing a Strategic Plan: The Proposal stage of IPE&R involves developing a detailed strategic plan that outlines the objectives, scope, resources, and expected outcomes of the alliance. This plan serves as a roadmap for execution, ensuring that both parties are aligned and committed to delivering tangible value.

  • Execution (E): Turning Plans into Action: With a solid plan in place, organizations can proceed to the Execution stage, where joint initiatives are implemented, resources are allocated, and milestones are tracked. By focusing on execution and value delivery, organizations can demonstrate the tangible benefits of the alliance to customers and stakeholders.

  • Review (R): Continuous Improvement and Accountability: The Review stage of IPE&R ensures ongoing monitoring and evaluation of alliance performance. Regular reviews allow organizations to assess progress, address challenges, and make course corrections as needed, ensuring that the alliance remains aligned with strategic objectives and delivers value over time. If partners aren’t reviewing their work, how much do they themselves actually value the alliance?

Conclusion: Embracing Purposeful Alliances

In a world inundated with superficial partnerships and empty promises, purposeful alliances stand out as beacons of collaboration, innovation, and value creation. By embracing a structured approach like IPE&R, organizations can move beyond the realm of Barney Alliances and cultivate partnerships that drive meaningful outcomes for customers, stakeholders, and the broader ecosystem.

It's time to shift the focus from empty declarations to purposeful execution and unlock the full potential of alliance programs in driving sustained growth and success.


Unlocking Success: The Importance of Success Metrics in Technology Alliances


Ensuring Success: The “IPE&R” Process for Technology Alliances