Ensuring Success: The “IPE&R” Process for Technology Alliances

Let’s be real: The complex terrain of the tech business world often leads to underperforming Tech Alliances. Why? Well, like anything worthwhile, they require work! And too often orgs simply don’t do the work OR they go about it in a convoluted way. Their development and execution requires a structured approach that drives clarity, commitment, and accountability.

In a previous blog, I noted that organizations must clearly identify aligned interests if a Technology Alliance is to be successful. I hinted that there is a tried-and-true process to help divine that clarity.

I also previously asserted that Leaders tend to oversimplify how “easy” Tech Alliances should be. But then, conversely, once they start to execute on them, they typically overcomplicate their implementation. How avoid both of those phenomenons? Enter the IPE&R process—a well-tested methodology designed to shepherd technology alliances from conception to execution with precision and effectiveness. Let’s dive into it (Spoiler Alert: This isn’t rocket science, but it DOES take discipline).

Understanding the IPE&R Process

The IPE&R process—Initiative, Proposal, Execution, & Review—provides a clear roadmap for bringing alliance initiatives to fruition while ensuring alignment with strategic objectives and fostering a culture of accountability. There are certainly other ways to organize these stages (as noted, this is intended to NOT be complicated), but this is the way Cascadia Leadership Advisors has seen it work time and time again.

Let’s explore each stage in detail:

  • Initiative (I): The journey begins with the spark of an idea—an innovative concept or opportunity that has the potential to drive value through collaboration. This phase is characterized by ideation and exploration, where teams brainstorm potential alliance opportunities and assess their feasibility and alignment with business goals. The Initiative stage involves collaboration between alliances and product team members, who evaluate the idea's merits and determine whether it warrants further consideration. The idea can come from anywhere in the company, but it most often vetted by Product Management and the Alliances team.

  • Proposal (P): Once an idea passes the initial vetting process, it progresses to the Proposal stage, where a formal plan is developed and presented to leadership for approval. The proposal outlines the strategic rationale, objectives, scope, resources required, and expected outcomes of the alliance initiative. Leadership review ensures alignment with organizational priorities and resource allocation, providing the green light for execution.

  • Execution (E): With leadership approval secured, the focus shifts to execution—the stage where plans are put into action, and alliances are formed, nurtured, and leveraged to drive tangible results. This phase encompasses the implementation of collaboration agreements, resource allocation, milestone tracking, and ongoing management of alliance activities. Effective execution is paramount to realizing the full potential of the alliance and delivering value to stakeholders.


  • Review (R): The Review stage serves as a critical checkpoint for monitoring progress, evaluating performance, and making course corrections as needed. Interestingly enough, this is often the most overlooked and/or neglected part of any Alliance initiative’s stewardship. Regular cadence of review meetings allows stakeholders to assess whether alliance goals are being met, identify areas of improvement, and adjust strategies accordingly. If the initiative is not meeting expectations or no longer aligns with business objectives, the review process provides the opportunity to course correct or, if necessary, sunset the initiative/program.

Key Benefits of the IPE&R Process

  • Clarity and Alignment: The IPE&R process ensures clarity of purpose and alignment with strategic objectives at every stage of the alliance lifecycle. By systematically evaluating alliance initiatives against predefined criteria, organizations can prioritize efforts that offer the greatest potential for value creation and competitive advantage.

  • Commitment to Execution: By formalizing the alliance development process and securing leadership buy-in, the IPE&R process fosters a culture of commitment to execution. Clear roles, responsibilities, and accountability mechanisms empower teams to drive initiatives forward with confidence and purpose.

  • Agility and Adaptability: The review component of the IPE&R process enables organizations to respond quickly to changing market dynamics, evolving business priorities, and alliance performance metrics. This agility allows for timely course corrections and optimization of alliance strategies to maximize value creation.


In the dynamic landscape of technology alliances, the IPE&R process emerges as a powerful framework for driving clarity, commitment, and accountability throughout the alliance lifecycle. By systematically evaluating alliance initiatives, securing leadership buy-in, executing with precision, and conducting regular reviews, organizations can maximize the value of their alliances and achieve strategic objectives with confidence and agility. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of partnership development and management, adopting the IPE&R process can serve as a catalyst for accelerated success and sustained competitive advantage in the digital age. If you want a Tech Alliance to be successful, you should implement an IPE&R process (or something similar).


From Paper-Thin to Purposeful: Why Alliance Programs Need a Structured Approach


Unlocking Success: The Essential Role of Aligned Interests in Technology Alliances