The Outside-In Perspective - Insights and Reflections from Our Recent Tech Alliances Consulting Engagement

As Cascadia Leadership Advisors (CLA) approaches the conclusion of its current Tech Alliances Consulting engagement, I find myself reflecting on the journey and the value of an outside-in perspective in even the most established companies. Our client, a successful leader in its space, has accepted CLA’s recommendations and is already in the process of implementing them, including the crucial step of hiring and installing a dedicated team to drive their new alliances strategy forward.

This engagement has reinforced a critical observation: even seasoned organizations with well-established processes benefit greatly from an external viewpoint, particularly when it comes to their Alliances function. In most cases, inertia and habit take hold. Companies continue to do what they've always practiced simply because it's "the way it's always been done.” They’re busy and it’s hard to change. Full stop. This can…and usually does…limit growth and innovation.

One of the best questions we can ask ourselves is, "If not for the fact that this is how we've always done it, knowing what we know now, is this how we'd do it?" This question challenges the status quo and typically leads to change. The answer to such a query is almost always “Well, no, as a matter of fact; if I was starting over, I’d do it differently.”

So why not just ask that question and get on with the change? That’s the tricky part, isn’t it? Asking and answering this question effectively requires both distance from the day-to-day operations and a wealth of experience in the relevant domain. That's where a seasoned consultant can make a substantial difference.

Enter Cascadia Leadership Advisors. With years of experience in the Alliances space, CLA is well-equipped to help companies zoom out, reassess, and realign their strategies with their current realities and future goals. We bring a fresh perspective, unburdened by internal biases and habits, allowing us to identify opportunities for improvement and innovation that might otherwise go unnoticed.

I’m proud of the progress our client is making and excited about the positive changes they've embraced. Their willingness to question their established ways of working and implement new strategies has set them on a path to greater success with their ecosystem.

Looking ahead, I am eager to bring CLA’s expertise to new clients. If your organization is ready to take a fresh look at its alliances strategy, I’d love to explore how CLA can help you achieve your goals.

Contact Us: Cascadia Leadership Advisors is here to help your organization navigate the complexities of strategic alliances with clarity and confidence. Reach out to discuss how CLA can assist in driving your ecosystem to new heights.


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